“Martin” is more relevant now then when it was first made. In today’s “Twilight” world, vampires are so cool among the kids. Long before a sub-culture came into existence, George Romero was all ready there to knock some sense into it.
“Martin” is ultimately about two things. Mainly, an expansion on the themes of “Season of the Witch” in that beliefs only have the power that people assign them. Tada Cuda is a religious fanatic who believes in family curses, vampires, and exorcisms. Despite being presented with plenty of proof to the otherwise, he continues to insist that Martin is undead.

When Martin enters into a happy relationship, his bloodlust weakens. He isn’t hungry for blood but for what every lonely teenager wants: Acceptance and love. And sex, least we forget that. While the sexual aspects of the vampire myth are only implied, for Martin, drugging his victims and having his way with them before feeding is part of the ritual. He’s ashamed of his own sexuality and is hesitant to even use the word, but the safety of the vampire concept gives him carte blanche to explore his darker desires. He also longs for attention too and, by talking to a radio deejay, he is given a chance to share his fantasies with others.

Ultimately, more then any of this, “Martin” is a character study. John Amplas’ lead performance is essential to the movie’s success. He embodies the character and makes Martin a real person. Lincoln Maazel is convincing in his part. Christine Forrest is likable and cute in a part that really requires those qualities. Also watch for small parts from Tom Savini and Romero himself.
Speaking of Savini, the gore effects are phenomenal. That thick crimson blood, like “melted crayons” Tom says, looks great on camera. As a character study, the movie lacks a forward story, has a slow pace, and does drag its feet a bit towards the end. However, it’s a great film, one of Romero’s best, and a truly overlooked masterpiece. [Grade: A]

“Night of the Living Dead” changed horror. “Dawn of the Dead” changed it again. It spawned an entire genre in Italy and shaped the zombie film and the modern gore fest as we know them.
Romero took everything from “Night” and ramped it up, most importantly that film’s theme of people being unable to get along and let go. The zombie apocalypse shambles on, but the living masses refuse to get their shit together. This is displayed brilliantly right in the opening scenes. The chaos of the newsroom provides expositions for new viewers while also introducing us to half of our main cast. We then jog ahead to the SWAT team taking on an armed apartment complex. This scene furthers the theme with the belligerent racist cop and the projects dwellers that have dropped their undead relatives down the laundry shoot. We also meet the other half of our main cast.

The film’s biggest attribute is its fantastic ensemble cast. Romero has finally found a near-perfect balance between his character studies and fast-paced editing. Peter and Roger have an immediate chemistry together as brothers in arm. Ken Foree is perfect as physically imposing tactician Peter, while Scott Reiniger balances the friendship out as the more carefree, fun-spirited Roger. An attitude which does have major consequences, later on. As Reiniger succumbs to the infection, his sometimes doped-out, sometimes pathetic mannerisms, rear up against heartbreaking. David Emge does good work as the stoic Stephen. It’s a tricky character, seeing as how incompetent he is with a firearm. As the film progresses, Stephen becomes obsessed with the materialism of the mall setting and that obsession directly leads to the full-blown carnage of the finale. So maybe he holds the Idiot Ball a few times, but his downward spiral is shown as an honest reaction to the grim situation he’s in. Gaylin Ross is the heart, soul, and often brains of the group as Fran. She’s honestly the most logical person in the film, often displaying the calmest head in times of panic.

Beyond all the textbook subtext, “Dawn of the Dead” is a really fun movie. The story barrels ahead breathlessly with some of the best pacing and action direction ever seen in a horror film. When that depressing ennui sets in, it’s actually a detriment and a bump in the otherwise flawless pacing. And, yeah, as countless imitative video games have shown, killing hordes of zombies in a mall setting is a lot of fun. Zombies make the perfect fodder to be blown away, or pied in the face. Frankly, when is a zombie on an escalator not funny?

“Dawn of the Dead” is a four-color zombie epic, perfectly mixing horror, humor, gut-munching gore, and social satire. Roger Ebert called it one of the best horror films of all time and I’m inclined to agree. [Grade: A]
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