Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bangers n' Mash 42: Godzilla: The Millennium Age

As promised, here's the last part of the Banger n' Mash Show's tour down Godzilla-related memory lane. Here we discuss the most recent era of the Godzilla series, the Millennium era which ran from 1999 to 2004. After working through "GMK," "Final Wars," and the rest, we share our extensive thoughts on the latest big screen appearance of the King of the Monsters. If you're reading this, I'm assuming you've seen it already but, if not, extensive spoilers are expected.

With this episode, my recent foray into the world of kaiju is over. On one level, I'm happy to move on to other stuff after dealing with guys in rubber suits for nearly three months. On the other hand, I'm sort of sad to see it go. Don't be totally shocked if giant monsters come up again before 2014 is over.

You'll notice updates have been a bit laid back this month. I'm more or less willing to write off May at this point, especially since I updated nearly daily in April. However, expect things to get back on track soon. My review of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" will be up tomorrow, probably, fulfilling my duties to my Bryan Singer report card. In June, I plan on starting a new Director Report Card, one that will come with a bunch of extras. Look forward to it. As for the Bangers n' Mash Show, we'll return to our more relaxed release schedule now. I told not to get used to weekly shows. 

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