Sunday, March 10, 2024


6:30 - Welcome to Film Thoughts' annual live blog of the Academy Awards ceremony! 

I started blogging the awards show - literally writing down my thoughts on this here blog and just publishing it as I go - in 2010. At the time, the idea of a "Live Blog," a running commentary on a live event, was still a relevant idea. Nowadays, we just post our thoughts on Twitter via our phones or whatever. However, I am committed to doing things the old way. Actually nobody has ever done it like this, so I guess I'm committed to doing things my way! In other words, for the six people reading this: Reload early, reload often to see more of my pointless observations throughout the night! This is as off-the-cuff as I get these days.

6:40 - Because my film nerdiness about film and my obsessive compulsive streaks roll into each other, I feel the need to watch every one of the nominated movies. I like to be informed, ya know! Maybe I do this - and, by extension, write these reviews - because I like to pretend I'm an Academy member or something. Following that logic, here's what I would vote for if I got a vote. 

Does it make me crazy that I put more thought into these than the people actually the Academy? Yes! Yes, it does!

6:47 - I have just been informed that Lupito N'yonga's win for "12 Years a Slave" was almost a decade ago! I am crumbling into dust!

6:51 - It seems Hulu is doing a tell-all documentary about Bon Jovi, presumably because we've run out of eighties rock bands to do tell-all documentaries about.

6:59 - Once again, the time of year where I have to endure Jimmy Kimmel has arrived...

7:05 - Another reason to hate Daylight Savings Time: The Oscars starting while the sun is still out feels wrong.

7:07 - This is a good opening montage but, all these exciting or inspiring clips flashing on-screen with exactly ONE shot from "The Zone of Interest" is pretty funny.

7:09 - Oh yeah, there was an Actor's Strike last year.

7:11 - I'm not drinking tonight but if I was I would take a shot every time there's a Barbenheimer joke.

Christopher Nolan smiling politely at the porn addiction joke. Okay, "Sillian" Murphy was a decent joke.

7:12 - RDJ's reaction shot was so much better than the actual joke.

7:13 - Messi! Yes, Messi is here at the Oscars!

7:14 - Jokes about "Killers of the Flower Moon" being long were old four months ago, dude.

7:17 - Achievement in Casting is a weird category to add when people have been begging for a Stunts category for years. But it's fine.

The jokes are leaning hard on reaction shots tonight.

7:19 - A.I. could definitely take your job, Jimmy. 

7:20 - That's nice to invite a bunch of teamsters and folks on-stage. Workers unite!

"Should we give out some Oscars?" Please, get on with it!

7:22 - So each of the acting categories are going to be introduced like this? This will result in a lot of awkward looking at teleprompters, I predict. 

7:23 - This category is Da'Vine's to loose, as far as I'm concerned. 

7:26 - I'm glad she won. Hopefully they don't announce the nominations like this for every category or else we really are going to be here all night. 

7:28 - That was a sweet speech and I like the shout-out to her publicist. 

7:33 - I don't think it'll happen but I'm so rooting for Paul Giamatti to win tonight. Look at him, he looks so happy to be here!

7:34 - I'm ashamed to admit that I would absolutely watch the Silver Oscars. Jesus, when will the hosts stop making jokes about animation only being for kids?

7:35 - The Animated Shorts category was pretty weak this year but rooting for "Ninety-Five Senses" or "Pachyderm!" 

7:36 - I do believe I said "War is Over!" was going to win in my reviews, obviously because it is the worst of the nominees! 

7:38 - Haha, you're not going to play Sean Lennon off the stage, assholes! 

I do think "The Boy and the Heron" will win and I'm fine with that. But I really did love "Robot Dreams." 

7:39 - Hayao Miyazaki is too damn cool for the Oscars. He doesn't give a shit. Why would he show up for this? Gotta love it. 

Can't wait to hear Billy Ellish's nominated strom. 

7:44 - I am still delighted that a movie as fucking weird as "Poor Things" got so many nominations. 

Did a 97 year old man write Kimmel's jokes tonight?

7:46 - This bit is fucking painful. 

It has no chance of winning but "May December" is my fave in this category. Considering the plagiarism controversy that started today, it'll be super awkward if "The Holdovers" wins.

7:48 - "Anatomy of a Fall" had a very tight screenplay, so I can't complain about it winning. 

7:49 - I missed that they played the "P.I.M.P." steel drum music as they walked on-screen. Awesome lol

7:50 - "American Fiction" is genuinely my pick for Adapted Screenplay. Also I expect it to win because it has the word "Fiction" in the title and Academy voters are very literal. Or they'll just give it to "Oppenheimer," I don't know.

7:52 - Didn't anyone else hear that banging noise from off-stage? Did Jimmy Kimmel fall off a ladder? Anyway, I genuinely don't understand why Hollywood doesn't function under the "15 four million dollar movie" philosophy Cord is rambling about here. 

7:54 - I do think the Billie song is pretty but I'm seriously rooting for "I'm Just Ken." I hope it doesn't get overlooked for being the silly option.

7:57 - No denying that Billie has got the rizz though. Like, I do not pay attention to pop music at all but I genuinely think she has an extraordinary voice. 

7:58 - Why are they making David Allen Grier stand in a random hallway? 

8:03 - I did enjoy the dissonance of the "Beetlejuice" theme starting over footage from "Past Lives."

8:04 - The Make-Up category is so weak tonight. I'm rooting for "Poor Things" since it's the only one tonight that isn't simply boring, realistic, old age make-ups. 

8:05 - At least they got that much right!

8:06 - Guy tells a good publicist joke and they play him off the stage! Typical. Wouldn't be upset if "Poor Things" sweeps both Make-Up and Production Design but I think "Barbie" will probably get it. Jack Fisk worked on "Barbie?!" 

8:08 - My predictions have been strangely on-point today and, guys, I'm scared. 

8:09 - Academy, you're never going to engineer a viral moment as good as Will Smith smacking someone. Stop trying! 

8:11 - Is that John Cena's actual body? Dude looks weird. This bit isn't great but as a precursor to Best Costume, that's a decent punchline. It's gonna be "Barbie," right? 

8:12 - Alright, so "Poor Things" is just going to sweep the technical categories? I'm not mad, just surprised. 

8:14 - Always kind of annoys me that the Academy makes time for dumb-ass skits but doesn't let people talk a little longer. But, at the same time, I do understand that people would probably ramble forever if they didn't do something. 

8:19 - The wins have mostly been on-point tonight - except for Animated Short, boooo - and the acceptance speeches have been fine. But, boy, the show itself has been slowwwwwww. 

8:20 - This makes me wish they still did all the Best Song nominations in a montage. Can you imagine this in-between the two "Barbie" songs? 

8:22 - What kind of hardcore rapping name is "Bad Bunny?" 

It has zero chance of winning but "Io Capitano" is so good. 

8:23 - Oh boy, I wonder how awkward "The Zone of Interest's" acceptance speech will be? Great movie though. 

8:25 - Kind of disappointed that Jonathan Glazer went for some "both-side-isms" with his acceptance speech. 

8:26 - The premise of this bit is pretty bad but Emily Blunt and Ryan Gosling are selling it. The fact that they are honoring stuntmen really gives me hope they'll be preparing that for a proper category soon. 

8:32 - Okay, the AMC theater joke was solid. They do play a lot of commercials! 

8:35 - Sam Rockwell's beard rocks and it rocks well. 

8:37 - Christoph Waltz pontificating about Ken... Now that's art. 

8:38 - RDJ was my pick and and I'm glad he got it. Long overdue and he's fantastic in "Oppenheimer." Maybe next year, Gosling. 

8:39 - "I'd like to thank my terrible childhood." Jesus, they should let Robert host. 

It's amazing how much control of the stage this guy just takes within minutes. Total movie star charisma.

8:41 - The dog was clapping... THE DOG WAS CLAPPING. 

8:46 - She totally killed him, by the way. I believe she did it.


They did both try and kill Batman. "Batman, you son of a bitch!" 



8:48 - Arnold saying the words "Godzilla" at the Academy Awards... Is this real life? Am I awake? How is this possible? 

8:51 - Are you going to play the "Godzilla" team off the stage? Fuck you!

8:52 - I figured "Oppenheimer" had it in the bag. Editing was a pretty strong category this year. 

8:53 - "Chris Nolan, you're cool too." Accurate! 

8:54 - "American Symphony" is destined to be a forgotten Oscar nomination and I wouldn't vote for it to win. But I do like this song! It's pretty, you guys. 

8:55 - The decision to play clips from totally unrelated movies over this song was an odd one though.

8:59 - "Maestro" was the most painfully Oscar-bait-y movie in a nomination slate largely devoid of it this year. 

9:00 - I am digging the orchestral version of "Barbie Girl." 

9:01 - It's almost impressive how every single one of Kimmel's bit are just flopping tonight. 

9:02 - I'm sure "20 Days in Mariupol" will win Best Documentary Feature, on account of its "importance." Even if the film made me feel uneasy in some ways. As for Documentary Short, I have no idea. "Nai Nai & Wai Po" probably. This is a decent bit, Kate is doing here. 

9:04 - "Island In Between" was my pick and I knew it had no chance of winning. "The Last Repair Shop" was pleasant, so I guess I'm fine with this. 

9:05 - "The Eternal Memory" was my favorite of this slate, by the way. Heartbreaking film. Not surprised it didn't win though. 

9:09 - If "20 Days in Mariupol" winning an Oscar has any effect on the people in Ukraine, then I guess that film will have served its purpose. I'm still not sure movies, even documentary films, have any power to actually change the face of global politics though. How far can "awareness" take us, ya know? 

9:13 - Has there been a harder movie in Oscar history to fit into the pageantry of the night than "The Zone of Interest?" It just resists any sort of celebratory vibes. 

9:14 - I would genuinely love to see "El Conde" win Cinematography but that won't happen lol. It was a black-and-white movie about vampires! Of course I loved the way it looked!

"Oppenheimer" is a fine second choice. I probably would've given the Silver Oscar to "Killers of the Flower Moon," personally. But Hoyte van Hoytema is long overdue. 

9:16 - The Live Action short line-up was... Not the best. Please, give it to "Henry Sugar" and not that "The After" or "Red, White, and Blue" garbage. 

9:17 - Really wish Wes Anderson could have been here to accept his first Oscar. I guess this makes up for "Asteroid City" getting snubbed! One of these days, he's going to win Best Director and Best Picture for his third or fourth worst movie. 

9:18 - When will the curse of Diane Warren be lifted from the Oscars? Anyway, here's to "Flamin' Hot," another addition to the list of truly random ass movies to get nominated just because Warren touched them. 

9:24 - The more I think about "American Fiction," the more I loved it. One of the better movies about the creative process that I've seen recently. 

9:25 - John Mulhoney completely outclassing Jimmy Kimmel within seconds. Just comes out, does a totally unrelated bit about "Field of Dreams," and fucking kills it.

9:27 - Anyway, I feel like "The Zone of Interest" kind of has to win Best Sound, right? I mean, sound is so pivotal to that film. But "Oppenheimer's" sound design is definitely powerful too. 

Alright, good.

9:29 - This got has a nice hat and nice side burns. British people wishing folks Happy Mother's Day has become a real reoccurring theme tonight?

It's "Ken" time, baby. 

9:30 - I've been a fan of Gosling for a while but, really, he managed to find such a total match for his particular charisma in Ken. He made that whole damn movie, in my opinion. 

9:31 - The choreography here definitely deserves some notice. Holy shit, is that Slash?! 

9:33 - It was a showstopper in the movie and a showstopper tonight. A highlight of what has been a very slow night. 

9:38 - So that "Wicked" movie looks bad, right? 

9:39 - I'm personally rooting for "Killers of the Flower Moon" to take home Best Score but I bet "Oppenheimer" gets it. 

9:41 - Billie Ellish won Best Song because "What Was I Made For" was the serious song from "Barbie," even though anyone who just watched the performances could tell you that "I'm Just Ken" is the one that always brings the house down. But what do I know? 

9:43 - This acceptance speech is pretty fucking cute though, not going to lie. 

9:49 - Time for the annual game to see who gets left out of the In Memoriam montage. 

9:51 - The Academy's insistence on not giving the viewers at home a clear look at what names are appearing on-screen continues to annoy the hell out of me. It's such an easy thing not to fuck up and yet they do, every year!

9:56 - Kimmel's jokes are extremely heavy on puns tonight. He's not even trying. 

Anyway, Nic Cage is here, motherfuckers!

9:57 - Jeffrey Wright is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors working right now. Would love for him to win. He won't though! Paul Giamatti winning would be so fantastic but I'm still kind of banking on Cillian getting. 

9:58 - "Would I have done that? Hell yes!" And that's why Nic Cage rocks. Anyway, Bradley Cooper suuuuuucks. If he wins, I'm going to scream! 

10:00 - Cillian is great, so I do not object to him winning. It's kind of crazy that he's never even been nominated before? 

10:03 - So "Oppenheimer" is sweeping now, right? Just like we all knew it would. I like it when Steven Spielberg talks. 

10:04 - All the film bros I knew in college are vindicated. Nolan has an Oscar now. 

10:06 - I know I've been complaining all night about how flat the show has been but, I'll say this much... Staring the show at seven has made the evening go by a little faster. Will the broadcast actually be shorter than "Killers of the Flower Moon?" We are getting dangerously close. 

10:10 - Emma Stone has really crept up the predictions as we've gotten closer to the Oscars. LIly Gladstone winning is not certain, though I still think the Academy passing over a chance to give an Oscar to a Native American for the first time is unlikely. We shall see!

10:11 - Anyway, Michelle... She did it! 

10:13 - I love Carey Mulligan, so it really shows you how fucking mid "Maestro" was that I'm annoyed that she even got nominated for it. 

10:14 - Oh shit. People on Twitter are going to be soooooo mad. 

10:15 - Alright, there's going to be a massive backlash against "Poor Things" now. It's still a really good movie! There's going to be an even bigger backlash against Emma Stone now. She's still great! Look at how fucking charming she is right now! Lily Gladstone is great but let's stop forming petty rivalries over this shit. 

10:18 - I can't believe people like Jimmy Kimmel still think they're going to stop Trump with dumb jokes. We are so past that point, Jimmy! We can't snark our way out of this one...

10:20 - Anyway, here's Big Al. Pacino still has it though. Oppenheimer Sweep! 

10:25 - I love that one shot of Bradley Cooper looking sad.

And we're ending the night on a lame cell phone joke. Kimmel really did suck all the air out of hte room, didn't he?

10:26 - Wait, excuse me, we end on a stupid reference to the fake Kimmel/Matt Damon feud. How dare you drag Messi into this!

10:28 - Anyway, as for the show itself... Kimmel really fucking sucked as host tonight! He just seemed like he did not want to be there! The presentation got off to an extremely slow start and the pacing never quite perked up from there. However, there were some great moments from presenters and especially winners. "I'm Just Ken" brought the house down and fucking "Godzilla" won an Oscar! I can't be mad about that. Overall, I would say the show itself was a bland affair but, as always, the Oscars broadcast is always worth watching for those special wins.

And now that the Oscars are over, I can't get back to watching trash! Thank you and good night! 

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