Friday, June 19, 2020

Twin Peaks, Episode 3.13: The Return, Part 13

Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 13
What Story is That, Charlie?

Despite the subtitle, “Twin Peaks: The Return” has been fairly stingy about returning us to Twin Peaks. “Part 13” actually sees some familiar faces in the old town coming back to the forefront. But before we can get to that, the show has some other business to deal with. Cooper's Doppelganger catches up with Ray, his traitorous former partner. He brutally gets the information he needs and begins planning his next move. In Las Vegas, Anthony Sinclair is blackmailed into attempting to kill Dougie Jones. However, Dougie's intuitive, sweet manner disarms him and gets him to confess his crime.

“Part 13” really gets our attention by opening with an especially intense and violent sequence. Upon arriving at the criminal hideout, the Doppelganger is put into an arm wrestling match with former Jason, Derek Mears. The Doppelganger quickly begins toying with the intimidating man, the wrestling match escalating in intensely before concluding sharply, suddenly with a shocking act of violence. It's an expertly staged sequence, another example of how “The Return” subverts expectations by striking with graphic gore when least expected. It's also seemingly a sign that the Doppelganger, and the show, are done fucking around. (At least for now...)

While that visceral explosion of violence is, by far, the highlight of the episode, “Part 13” also features another stand-out scene. Tom Sizemore's Anthony Sinclair gives a tearful confession, once Dougie manages to uncover his deception completely by accident. Sizemore is an actor that is frequently misused by directors. By tapping into his vulnerable side, exposing the sadness behind Sizemore's usual bravado, Lynch managed to get one of Sizemore's best performances out of him. There is, of course, an absurd humor to Dougie Jones once again getting such an intense, emotional reaction out of someone with only his simple-minded, repetitive actions.

Yet “Part 13” will probably be most well remembered for revisiting some classic “Twin Peaks” characters. We return to the Double R Dinner. At first, the show seems to deliberately tease us with the idea that Norma and Big Ed are still together... Before it introduces Norma's new husband. Not long afterwards, Nadine and Dr. Jacoby have a little conversation outside her drapes store. Thus far, “The Return” has resisted easy, nostalgic moments like this. The revival has been just as, if not more, about subverting fan expectations than feeding into them. Yet it's also nice that “The Return” is indulging in a little fan service, after so much teasing. “Part 13” even has James sing his old song at the Roadhouse.

Still, I'll admit, I'm a bit baffled by some of the decisions the show is making at this junction. A long scene is devoted to the reveal that Norma has franchised out the Double R Dinner name. Which, okay, that's mildly interesting. But it's an odd bit of information to focus on at this point in the show. Where Audrey's subplot, with her manipulative husband, is going remains to be seen. Right now, those moments are a bit hard to follow. Lastly, I'm still struggling to care about Betty and Shelly. I hope that particular story line actually amounts to something.

If all of “Twin Peaks: The Return” had been more like “Part 13,” it might've been a more satisfying series. It also would have, definitely, been a far less interesting show. Perhaps more of a balance should have been sought. Either way, I'm awfully glad “The Return” took some time to catch up with some old characters before moving forward with its far-out story. [7/10]

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