Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Obligatory Podcast Catch-Up Post

Christ, have I really not posted the last THREE Bangers n' Mash episodes to the blog? That should give you an idea of how busy I've been the last two months. During the Halloween Horror-Fest Blog-a-Thon, I was working up to the end of the day during most of the six weeks. Throughout all of this, I've been forgetting to post these. I have, if you also haven't noticed, not updated the series in a while. That shit is forthcoming, I assure you. Anyway, here's the episodes.

Episode 96 was about many of the films adapted from the work of Stephen King. There's a hilarious lightning round.

In the later half of September, JD and I made a loose episode about why we love Halloween. This was my attempt to emulate the Purple Stuff Podcast and... I don't know how successful I was. Anyway, listen to it.

Lastly, here's our audio con report for Monster-Mania 35, which includes the Kristy Swanson panel in full if you care about that kind of thing.

Anyway, there's a new single review coming tomorrow and a new Director Report Card coming sometime next week. As you'd expect, I'll be taking a little time off throughout this month because of the post-Halloween hangover.

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