Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bangers n' Mash 54: Invasions of the Body Snatchers

Hey, Bangers n' Mash fans! Feels like it's been a while, doesn't it? To be totally honest, my personal life has been very hectic here of late. This why the month is nearly over and I'm only now getting a podcast episode out. Don't worry, we still intend to release another one by the end of the month.

So what is the topic of today's episode? "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" is a classic sci-fi/horror film, one of the best, and has been remade a bunch. Surprisingly, at least two of the remakes are pretty interesting. Sounds like a good podcast episode, doesn't it? I thought so! In addition to the four proper adaptations of the story that have been made, my podcast co-host and I briefly discuss some of the rip-offs and homage that have popped out over the years. Give it a listen and more coming soon.


  1. The town in the 1956 original is a real town, Sierra Madre. It's really like that, even now.

  2. The town in the 1956 original is a real town, Sierra Madre. It's still like that. Expensive to live there though.
