Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bangers n' Mash 81: The 2015 Phantom Awards

Every January for the last four(!) years, the Bangers n' Mash Show has intended on getting two episodes out during the month. That's a goal we usually meet during the rest of the year. But for some reason, January is always a month where I struggle to meet the goal.

It's the Phantom Awards' fault. Yep, that goofy made-up award show JD and I do at the start of every year, celebrating the best (and sometimes worst) in sci-fi, horror, and fantasy cinema for the previous year. I don't know why the shows are always such a struggle to edit. Maybe I'm just burnt out from the end of the year? Or maybe the award show episodes are just tricky to work on? Who knows. Anyway, here's the new episode.

Come back later today for a new Recent Watches a review, as I continue to work my way through the Predator franchise. While we're on the topic of award shows, Oscar coverage begins on Monday. Woooo.

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