Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bangers n' Mash 80: The Inevitable Star Wars Episode

It's the last Bangers n' Mash episode of the year! I originally intended this to get out a lot sooner, closer to "The Force Awakens'" release, but end-of-the-year obligations kept me behind. The raw audio file for this episode was two hours and eleven minutes. Yes, you could have watched a "Star Wars" movie in the time it took us to record this. Disappointingly, we talked so much about the seven actual movies that we didn't have much time to discuss the "Holiday Special" or the "Ewok" movies.

Come back tomorrow for my annual year-end retrospective, in which I'll list every new release I saw in 2015. On the 1st, I'll be posting my 2016 Film Preview. Happy New Year's Eve and thank you so much for another great year at Film Thoughts!

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