Thursday, December 24, 2015

Bangers n' Mash 79: Christmas Vacation 2015

Hey, it's that time of year again! Time for the Bangers n' Mash Show to take a week off and make a seasonal holiday video that isn't about anything!

As opposed to previous years, where JD and I just talk about anything, this year's Christmas episode is actually a little more structured. We picked three topics - Favorite Christmas movie, favorite Christmas television special, and favorite Christmas song - and made our top five list for each. It turned out all right, I guess.

Come back tomorrow for the final round-up of Christmas reviews. I'll have a new Memories column on the 25th and one or two other things before my Year End Retrospective goes up on the 31st, including another Bangers n' Mash episode. As always, December is a very busy month for me. See you again soon.

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