Monday, November 2, 2015

Bangers n' Mash Post-Halloween Catch-Up Double Feature!

The second half of September and the second half of October are the busiest months of the year for me. Watching two movies and two TV shows a day, not to mention writing full reviews of all of them, can be exhausting. Truthfully, I was so focused on the Halloween Horrorfest Blog-a-thon last month that I completely forget to post the new Bangers n' Mash episodes. That's right, readers, in addition to watching and blogging like a mad man, I was recording and editing podcast episodes!

This first one will seem especially irrelevant. Back in the first week of October, I put up the audio version of my con report of Monster-Mania 32. It was a lot of fun and I managed to get the George Romero Q&A panel entirely on tape. If you didn't read my write-up and are curious about a month-old horror convention, give it a belated listen.

The second episode of the month went up just a few days ago, making it this year's Halloween episode. JD actually picked out this topic. After buying "Night of the Lepus" and "Day of the Triffids" on DVD last summer, he suggest we do an episode about horror movies with ridiculous or unlikely threats. (This should show you how far in advance we plan out the show.) I, naturally, took this idea and ran with it, creating a far longer list of things to talk about then he probably expected. We both agreed that this would be a quirky, fun topic for a Halloween show. I suppose it was.

And now, the post-Halloween blog update! November is usually a slow month for Film Thoughts. I guess I'm always a little hung over after the end of the Six Weeks of Halloween. However, I'm hoping to avoid that this year. Come back tomorrow for a new long-form review! Later in the month, I have a new Director's Report Card to debut! I also plan on writing new entries in my "What Do I Own This?" and "Memories." Hopefully, everything will go according to plan. I hate it when it doesn't.

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