Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bangers n' Mash 67 and 68: Aliens and Dinosaurs

Once again, I forgot to upload last month's episodes of the Bangers n' Mash Show here. I swear, I care about you guys. I'm usually in such a rush to keep whatever my latest blogging project is on track, that I sometimes overlook adding the shows here. Sorry about that.

Published earlier last month was episode 67, where Mr. Mash and I discussed the "Alien" series. It's a solid episode, as we talk about the depths and ambiguities of "Alien" and "Aliens," as well as the lesser entries in the series.

The one that just went up today was meant to be June's second episode. It was a busy month for me and I am deeply ashamed that I missed a release date. Anyway, prompted by the release of "Jurassic World," JD and I devote an episode to dinosaur movies. While we spend about half the episode talking about the four "Jurassic Park" films, we also thrown in some brief thoughts on classic dino-spolitation flicks of varying vintages.

I'll do better this month. I promise.

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