Friday, February 27, 2015

Bangers n' Mash 59: Tremors - Return to Perfection

Thus we reach the conclusion of my informal "Tremors" week. As you might have expected, my week of reviews were building up to a podcast episode about the series. I originally hadn't plan on posting my reviews of the films here... Yes, I really do sometimes just write reviews in order to mine them for podcast notes. It helps me if I organize my thoughts first. Yes, this amount of research and work goes in most every episode of the Bangers n' Mash Show. However, after utterly wrecking my brain on Oscar movies, I thought the fun-for-fun-sakes "Tremors" series would be a good way to bounce back from Oscar bloat. And why not?

Anyway, here's the podcast. In addition to the four films reviewed here, JD and I also discuss the short-lived TV series and the upcoming fifth film, which I'll probably review when it comes out in October. The episode is short too, coming in at a half-hour.

Here's the plan: Three episodes of the podcast next month, one of which will be a crappy commentary. Also, a new Report Card, a pretty big one. Unless there's some unforeseen disaster, this is the plan.

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