Monday, December 30, 2013

Bangers n' Mash 32: Christmas Vacation

I told you I wanted to get one more episode up before the year was over! This was originally planned to be a structured episode about Christmas holiday specials. However, December sort of kicked both of our asses. My Christmas movie marathon didn't exactly go as planned. Most pressingly, the previous episode was ridiculously late. As a result of all of this, we decided to recorded a looser episode, a post-Christmas breakdown of what the holiday was like for us.

After talking about some of the perennial holiday favorites (and not-so-favorites) we got to see this December, our conversation turns towards weird holiday traditions from around the world. After the episode degrades into a typical collection of nerdy bullshit. I talk about a few recent watches, we discuss Disney's "Frozen," the Hexafusion internet meme, a few interesting projects that were never made. And, of course, the two of us rant about Gal Gadot's casting as Wonder Woman in the "Man of Steel" sequel, which still doesn't come out until 2015.

Come back tomorrow for my Yearly Retrospective, a comprehensive list of every new release I saw this year, and on the first for my 2014 Film Preview. Happy New Year from Film Thoughts!

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