Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bangers n' Mash 17: Nerd Vomit, Part Deux

For those that follow my YouTube fake podcast thing, the Bangers n' Mash Show, you might notice that it tends to take me a while to get episodes out. Unlike most podcasters, who just record something and then toss it out on the internet, sometimes with some light editing, I edit the fuck out of the base audio. I'm talking, going down to a microscopic level, taking out the breaths between individual words. (In addition to cutting out all the stammering, 'you knows,' 'I means,' 'likes,' etc. Not to mention most of the unrelated tangents.) My OCD really does run that deeply.

My goal is always to get an episode out no later then a week after it was recorded, to make sure it's still sort of current. But because I'm a manic-depressive who sometimes goes days without working on anything, and because so much work needs to be done on each episode, it's usually later then that. Luckily, for once, I actually met my goal.

"Nerd Vomit, Part Deux," the newest episode of the podcast nobody likes or listens to, is a return to the loose, notes-free, lets-just-talk-about-whatever format we employed once before. (And will probably return to again in the near future.) Even then, a primary topic eventually emerges. After discussing video games ("Injustice: Gods Among Us") and awful television ("Monsters and Mysteries in America"), our attention turns to Summer Movie Season 2013. We literally went down the list of upcoming releases and talked about each one that interest us.

This was recorded on May 2nd and, that night, Mr. Mash and I attended a midnight screening of "Iron Man 3." Thus, the last ten minutes of the episode are devoted to discussing the latest mega-budget superhero blockbusters. The short, spoilers-free version?: We didn't like it. For a little more detail, feel free to listen.

I'd like to say "Real Episode Next Time," but it probably won't be.

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