Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bangers n' Mash: Horror Musicals

Not that any one's noticed but updates over here at Film Thoughts have been slightly sporadic this month. This is mainly because I've been working on a few different projects: Putting the finishing touches on my book, working on two new literary projects, and editing the newest episode of the podcast nobody listens to or likes. The latest episode of the Bangers n' Mash Show is about a week late mainly because of that extensive editing. The raw material was nearly two and a half hours. The final episode is just over a single hour, with music. I cut out more audio then is actually in the finished episode. Either JD and I goof around too damn much or am an obsessive compulsive perfectionist who over-edits. The case can probably be made for both.

Anyway, what's the topic this time? Horror musicals, those films that toss together two of the unlikeliest, most polarizing genres. We talk about the established classics of the genre and a few of the more recent examples, all of them being cult favorites. I've all ready discussed a few of this films at length and will probably talk about some of them again in the near future. We even discuss some of the oddball musical stage adaptations of established horror classics. (Though I made a big omission in that category: The ill-fated, infamous "Carrie: The Musical" is probably the earliest example of that sub-genre of stage musical.)

I know I say this every time but the next episode won't take as long. It's all ready recorded, I'm all ready editing, and it should be out in a few days, before the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

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