Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bangers n' Mash: Frankenstein (1931) Commentary

We had a real episode planned, one about a topic that I've been wanting to get to for a while and is relevant to current entertainment news. However, neither of us were quite ready for that one so instead we threw something together quickly.

A lot of other podcast cover commentaries for films, some of them doing it exclusively. Watching and talking over one of our favorite films, one that's important to our show's history, I tried to get some decent information and observation in there. While we suceed some times, we frequently fell back and simply pointing out stuff on the screen we've never notice before and wandering wildly off-topic to subjects like Illuminati symbolism (sarcastically), X-Men, Sonic the Hedgehog, other classic Universal monster movies, and unrelated shit like that. Also, if you ever wondered what an almost totally unedited episode of the Bangers n' Mash Show would sound like, now you know. That is, mostly with a lot of silence, hmm-ing, haw-ing, aww-ing, umm-ing, uncompleted half-formed thoughts, and unrelated bullshit. So if you want to know what it's like to watch a movie with two lisping nerds, watch along with us! Real episode next time, promise.

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